Hello to you from the Belmont Community Center!
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Welcome to
Belmont Community Center
My usual next line if we were in person would be, “We’re not the Belmont Rec Center. We’re down the hill — the building with the silver domed roof…” Trailing off, I would then look to you for recognition or confusion, both reactions I’ve learned prompt a welcomed history lesson. I love to share our story, and when it’s my turn I launch into a polished elevator speech, summing up over 80 years of BCC history combined with an introduction into our current programming. But, I love it just as much when I sense the spirit to reminisce. Some of you know the Belmont Community Center well, and explode into cherished memories that span generations.
Whether you’re new to our community or an established member of our narrative — welcome. We’re glad you’re here, and just as much, we’re glad we’re here. The Belmont Community Center has been a place for personal growth and resident engagement for decades, but a community center doesn’t mean much without the community — without the people — without the YOU. It has been our joy at the BCC to mentor youth, provide space for residents, and partner with others who match our passion for neighborhood investment and positive change. The Belmont Community Center is a place for personal growth in the presence of community. Join us in your journey to become+connect.
Emily A. Koopmann, Executive Director
Our Mission & Values
The Belmont Community Center is a space that promotes individual growth in the presence of community.
Our History
Originally founded in an abandoned church in 1937, the Belmont Community Center began with a collective desire for youth programming and neighborhood connections.